Overview of what we do

We desire to equip language teams with a variety of non-print products, especially scripture in a form oral communicators prefer. We can supply digital, audio and visual media along with devices and accessories or advice on which to use.  We also can assist with recording and training.

  • Consultations – helping language teams in their planning and use of media.  The objective is to provide for an effective, ongoing language program.

  • Resource/Training – help find info; provide training in program planning and production skills (how to use Audacity).

  • Technical assistance – provide assistance in research development; equipment evaluation and sales; production of pilot projects; postproduction and quality control.

  • Distribution — hardware options for use in engaging language groups with scripture.

  • Products — producing media that is relevant to the intended audience with local ownership that will grow and be sustained (music, scriptural recordings, songs, traditional story recordings, oral stories, traditional singing, etc. and dubbing films, etc.)

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