LUKE Film VS Jesus Film

LUKE film

Time – 4 HRS

Text – Book of LUKE

Uses – Bible Studies, Sunday school, Discipleship, Evangelism


In a cluster project they have had an increased interest in Literacy.

In a village here in one region many of the Muslims wanted to watch it as well and the team has been invited into the Muslim quarters to have showings.

The Book of Luke is the only Gospel written by a Greek or Gentile.

The LUKE film is broken up into 15 episodes for easy showing in 15-20 minute sections.

The LUKE film contains word-for-word the Gospel of Luke.

We can do a dramatized audio version of the book of Luke at the same time.

The LUKE film is packed with distinct parables (12) and most of them are not included in the JESUS film. 

Minimum Number of Voice Speakers – 11

Available in either a multi-voice or single voice

Film Cost:  $3,000 USD

Film with Audio: $3,750 USD

This includes all royalty fees paid to the JESUS FILM PROJECT and NLMS Fees and IMS Fees. 

This does NOT Include the cost of duplications or location, lodging, food and travel for talent or recordist(s).

Time needed to record – 14-21 days

Our average has been 10 days to record the LUKE Film


Time – 2 HRS

Text – Book of LUKE, Matthew, Mark, John, Numbers, Isaiah, and many other non biblical references.

Uses – Evangelism


It has been used worldwide.

It is only 2 hrs so it is a very bearable time to sit and watch

The JESUS FILM PROJECT likes the entire video to be shown every time. It is not supposed to be broken up into shorter portions.

You can do more with lip syncing as the script is more of a “paraphrase”

Only 70 % of the clips are from the book of LUKE

Minimum Number of Voice Speakers – 13

Available in either a multi-voice or single voice

Film Cost - $2,750 USD

This includes all royalty fees paid to the JESUS FILM PROJECT, NLMS Fees, and IMS Fees.

This does NOT Include the cost of duplications or location, lodging, food and travel for talent or recordist(s).

Time needed to record – 7-12 days

Our average has been 6 days to do the JESUS Film.

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