NLMS Staff


Elvis Tangko

Nathanael Gregoriev

Vernacular Media Consultant


Nathanael was born in South Korea. At the age of nine months he was adopted by a family in the USA. His parents became missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators when he was nine. They lived in California and North Carolina, finally serving in Colombia, South America.

After leaving home he served with Teen Missions International, Inc for six years.  He then led Nathanael and his wife, Darla, to Wycliffe Bible Translators and the need of Vernacular Media worldwide in 2007.

They served as Vernacular media specialists in Cameroon, Central Africa August 2010 - May 2022.  They currently serve with International Media Services in Dallas, Texas at the International Linguistic Center of SIL. Nathanael quality checks films dubbed with mother tongue languages. When not quality checking dubbed films he dubs films and trains others.

Nathanael became a Vernacular Media Domain Consultant March 2018.

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